Sunday, November 25, 2012

What I learned this morning at church

We had a missionary come into our church this morning and talked to us what he did while he was in Bolivia for 10 years.  One thing he said is that there are 6,800+ languages, and the New Testament has only been translated into 3,300 languages.  2,100 languages are still yet to be translated at all.  Every 90 days, New Tribes Mission has another translation ready to go.  One story he shared, he said he was on a short term missions trip with a native Bolivian couple that wanted to go into a rural unreached tribe.  When they arrived in this village, there was a certain verb-tense that had to be spoken to the Chief of that tribe, or you would offend him, and you've lost him.  They spoke through an interpreter to the Chief for 2 hours.  After the missionary spoke with the Chief about the Gospel, the Chief replied "This is Good News".  They had never said the word "Good News" to him, the Chief came up with it himself.  He then said "how long have you known this Good News?"  The missionary replied "All my life." The Chief looked at him and said "Why did you not come sooner?  You have had no excuse to keep this from me and my people."  When I heard that I almost started to cry thinking of that.  He finished, and I was having a rough time keeping my emotions down.  Someone came up to pray for the offering, and during the prayer, he had to pause because he was getting emotional, and that was what made me tear up.  The missionary brought what he needed to say, and he said it plain and clear.  I want to be a missionary, and it has helped me to realize that God wants me as soon as I can to go out to be His servant.  Pray for me as I follow this journey, that God will lead me in the way He wants me to go.  Maybe also pray that He will send you as well.
God Bless.
Twitter: @Gods_man1

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My testimony part 4

Hey all, I've been busy, and kinda forgot that I was doing this... but here's part 4!
In school, I was not the liked kid. I was always picked on, and was the one everyone bullied. My parents have said that if they had the chance, they would have homeschooled me, because the bullies told me I was stupid, and I believed them. I had a few friends when I moved here that used me, and when I needed them, they abandoned me.
I now go back to a bit of Dad's story, because really I had no spiritual life until God got a hold of my Dad's life.
My Dad was not the best father out there back around 7 years ago. He was arrogant, and was harbouring unforgiveness in his life. He was always on the computer, and when he wasn’t on there, he would yell and scream at us kids. He was also very big, as he ate a lot while playing his computer games. He started to work as a concert organizer. He got Southern Gospel groups like the Dixie Melody Boys, and also Steve Green. After the Steve Green concert, Dad lost a lot of money out of that. He barely filled the seats at the place. In all he lost about $15,000 out of my family’s money. It eventually happened that we had lost so much money, we were going to lose our house. It was Mom’s dream house, and she was devastated to hear we were probably going to have to move out of it. The day we got the phone call, Dad went out to the backyard and starting throwing dirt around and was cursing and swearing at God. He blamed Him for everything that was going on. When Dad was finished he went back inside and said to God “OK Lord, fix me, or this is not going to end well”. God started working in my dad’s life, and after seeing the change in my father, I knew there had to be a God who cared enough for me. Of all the things that happened to my father and me, I know He has a plan for my life.
I got into high school, and was doing ok spiritually. I met a guy who moved into our house a few months after I had met him. He manipulated me into doing drugs and alcohol. It wasn’t every day, but I still did it. After a few months I confessed to my father about it. For years I could not forgive myself for what I had done. I had broken my promise to my mother, and that hurt her. My spiritual life failed for those years, and I did not live the way I should have. I wasn’t into drugs still, but I was making other mistakes.
God Bless until next time :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My testimony part 3

Back again.  Here's part 3!
My dad met my mom when he moved to the city she was in, and he was moved here because of his job. They got married after a year and a half of meeting. That same year, Dad went to the same Bible school I just graduated my first year in. He wasn't the best student there, and left with a bad reputation. Actually, while he was in his third year of school is when I was born, the year 1994.

Now I get to start on my own testimony. It's still a little long though. When I was being born, there were some complications that could have killed me and my mother. My shoulders were too big, and by the time the doctors realized this, I was trying to get out. They had to use the forceps on me, and when Dad heard that, he thought the same thing happened to me as had happened to him. My neck was fine, and I was a healthy baby. I was born into a Christian home, and our family stayed at that school until I was about 3. We then moved to the streets of Philadelphia, one of the worst places to be. The night before we left that place, there was a drug dealer killed outside our house, underneath my window. There was a bullet that ricocheted and went near my window, and imbedded in the brick. Investigators said that if the bullet had been any higher, it could have gone through the window and gone through the temple in my head. So it was another time God saved my life. We moved from Philly to Daytona Beach Florida. We went from Daytona to Lancaster where my sister was born. I was saved at about this time, at one of the special weekends at a camp. It was only Dad and I who went, as it was some sort of Dad/son thing. I got saved, and Dad told Mom about it when we got home. We went from there to Georgetown PEI, where I started school, and my brother was born. We went from there to Youngstown Ohio, where Dad helped a black church for a while. We went from there to Nackawic, a little known town. From there we moved to Moncton, where we live to this day. When I was eight, we were in Moncton, and our family was in the car. I started to talk to my sister about different things about God, and I asked her if she was saved. She said she wasn't (she was about four). So in the car, I led my sister to the Lord when I was only eight.
Hope you are following along as I continue.  Until next time, God Bless.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My testimony: Part 2

Sorry it took so long to get the second part up here.
My father's neck is always at an angle, so he had to learn how to walk differently than we do. He would lose balance and fall a lot when he was first learning to walk. One day when he was about 4, he was going down the stairs, and he lost his balance, and fell down them. In the 60's, the drainpipes were always near the bottom of the stairs. Nana said she heard a sound like an egg cracking. Dad's head had hit the drainpipe, and he had split his skull open. In the ambulance, he was trying to fall asleep, but if he had have, his brain would have swelled and he would have died. He was living in Toronto at the time, and had been told if anyone tried to take off his pants, to stop them. His reaction was always to fight them off. So the nurse in the ambulance kept trying to pull his pants down, and he'd wake up and swing at them. It kept him alive long enough to get to the hospital and get his skull back together.
I wish I could say that Dad went through only that, but I'd be lying if I did that. Dad did not have the best relationship with his father, and it came down to almost a punching match between the two of them as Dad grew. My grandfather used to be an alcoholic, and Dad was not his favourite. By the time Dad was 16, he had moved out on his own. He rejected God for many reasons, and got into the creepy things like Satanism and the occult. He still remembers to this day the day he asked Satan into his life. There came a point that every Christian who knew Dad called him "unreachable". I don't remember how, but Dad started to go to a certain church, since he'd been in church before, and realized that he was in the wrong. He repented, and began to search for God, and his way.

Next part sooner than the last one I hope

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My testimony: Part 1

I'm going to post my full testimony, but in parts.  And on different days.  Stay tuned to hear it all. I feel led by God to share my testimony with you. Now before I start, everything I say here is true, even though it seems like a lot of things have happened to me/my dad. Some things may be a little graphic, so I apologize in advance.

Usually people start off with if they were born into a Christian home. I go back to even before that, to my father's story. Many things happened to my father before I was born that he shouldn't be alive, and I shouldn't exist. Dad's troubles started at birth. It was a healthy pregnancy and all, but when Dad was being brought out of the birth canal, the doctors used too much force on the forceps, and they heard a snap. They had broken Dad's neck. Because of this, Dad was paralyzed for 3 1/2 years, confined to a wheelchair. He also went through numerous MRI's and CAT scans on his brain. The doctors then told my grandmother to find him a nursing home or something, because he was going to be a vegetable the rest of his life, or too hard to handle. The very same day, Nana was carrying him, and by this time he was 3 1/2 years old, and 50 pounds of dead weight. She put him on the ground and cried out to God "I quit! I can't do it anymore!" Now my grandmother is a great prayer warrior, and had been praying for him ever since he was conceived. 5 minutes after she put him on the ground, he struggled to his feet and walked home for 1 1/2 miles. After being paralyzed for 3 1/2 years! He then began to speak in sentences the next week, and one of the first things he said was "it hurts". Nana asked where, and he said everywhere. They took him to the hospital and he had a double hernia in his stomach, and other medical problems. After the doctors dealt with that problem, they did other MRI's and CAT scans on his brain, and Nana was told he had 100% of his brain. A few weeks ago he had only 10%, and then had 100%. 
Next part in a few days time.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Leaving it all to God

OK, I'm going to be straight with you.  I had to move out of my house almost a month ago.  I wasn't getting enough working hours in my parent's minds (40 hrs/wk).  So I had no choice but to find a place to live and move out.  It's been taking a lot of getting used to.  I now have rent to pay, groceries to buy, and all on a salary from a part-time job.
For a while, I was angry, and I kept it inside of me, and became what I didn't want to be again... A jerk.  I didn't want to listen to people, and everything was going wrong.. I didn't know which way was up.  Finally, I listened to people's intsructions, and got into the Scriptures.  The first verse I found was Isaiah 42:18, "Oh, how deaf and blind you are toward me! Why won't you listen? Why do refuse to see?"  After seeing that verse, I paraphrased it as God saying to me "SHUT UP AND LISTEN!".  Cuz see, I wasn't really listening to Him either.  I never seem to learn about that... I like to think I'm living my life the way God wants me to.  Most of the time I'm not..
So I began to listen to God, instead of me griping and complaining all the time.  Things are OK, not good, but not bad either.  I don't know yet where God wants me, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve His goals.  ALL of them.  As long as He is in control of my life, I can do all things through HIM!


Go check out this blog post.  Wow.  All I can say...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer of Blimey Cow

So I just saw this challenge from Blimey Cow.  Take a picture every day in the month of June, just like the Instagram challenge or something.  Anyways, I hope I can do it, because my camera doesn't have a memory card yet.  You can find the challenge here:

So you may be wondering.  Who or what is Blimey Cow?  I didn't hear about them until about two months ago.  They make videos every Monday, and one video in particular went viral.  That one was the Seven Lies About Homeschoolers, found here: .  Every video I've seen is funny, and then they added bloopers to the more recent videos.  To really get the challenge, I'd suggest watching other newer videos they have made.  The best one I think they did was the top 10 internet cliches, which they did a few weeks ago, which is where a lot of the things on the challenge come from.

Oh, and one more video for you compliments of Blimey Cow!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My reading withdrawal

I have begun to realize that writing/thinking of what to write for a blog post is hard.  Some of my friends can do a post without even thinking.  Me, I have to think of what to write about, and then describe my thoughts in a way someone would understand them.  So if I don't post in a while, that is probably the reason why.

For a long while, I have not been able to read any novels.  I have been too busy reading commentaries and required readings for school.  I still have not read any novel since coming home, and I've been home for two weeks from school.  Before I went to college, I read novels very often, and I thought I would be able to while attending college.  When I arrived, it began to dawn on me that I would have no time at all to "free read".  I went through a lot of reading withdrawal, and I missed my novels.  I vowed when I got home that I would start reading again.  I have not yet, as work and other things have kept me from reading.  I do not know what book I will read first, but I have some ideas.  The Lord of the Rings is one of them.  The reason why for those novels is that I have seen all three movies, but have not read the books yet.  If you have any suggestions for good novels, comment and let me know :).

Thank you for reading, and until next time, God Bless.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weeks after Graduation

It has only been since April 29th that I have graduated my first year of Bible School.  When I got back home, I had to decide on what I was going to do.  Was I going to go to camp, or was I going to find work at home.  I tried to get into one camp in the US, and have not heard anything.  So I started to look for work, looking online, and calling in my temporary services employers.  Apparently the business there is really slow right now. It's been that way for a while too.  So I called in on Friday asking if there was any jobs available for the weekend.  They said there was none.  So I waited and kept looking for work.  About 10 mins before all three close, I get a call from one of them.  An employer had called in last minute looking for someone to help them.  I asked what time it was at, and it was for 6 in the morning.  I took the job, and prepared to get ready.  I went to see some friends that night, and when I was done I went to bed early.  My alarm went off at 5:00, and I hit the snooze button for 10 mins, then got up.  I went to work, and I worked from 6-12 that day, doing dishes.  On Monday I was told I had a job for this morning, and was thankful.  And then I got another call at about the same time as last, about 4:30.  This was for a job loading trailers for last night.  I took it, and worked from 8-12.  I then had to get up at 8:20 today, to go to work for 9:00.  I planned to come home and nap, and rest my body, because I was feeling sore.  I then was told someone needed help moving some things, and I was doing good for the first half.  By the second half, I had to sit down, because I couldn't do it anymore.  But I am grateful for the jobs God has supplied me with.  I hope to get more by the end of the summer.  Again, thank you for reading, and until next time, God bless.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 6

As far as I can remember, nothing really big happened after I came back from Chritmas break.  I did all my work, and procrastinated...and failed a course because of that.  I watched Courageous for the first time, and loved it.  I felt convicted, and apologized to my family for the way I had been treating them.  I promised I would try and heal my relationship with them.  When I came home for March break, I planned to start healing my relationships, and try to find work.  I got home, and my plans went down the tubes.  I was mostly on the computer the entire time.  Before I left, I was told by my parents that I had hurt everyone's feelings.  If I had the chance right now, I would go back in time and kick myself.  I still have some bridges to build with certain members of my family.  When I got back to school, I continued to procrastinate on some things, and also worked, and was involved in a lot of school activities.  I also graduated on April 29th, 2012, even though many people thought I would never make it to graduation.  When I walked across the stage, I had family, and people watching online, cheering for me.  I remember the feleing of joy as I walked the stage to receive my diploma.  I had done it, and proved people wrong.  Thank you for reading this post, and I hope to post more, which will probably be small devotions now.  Till next time, God bless.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 5

This post has taken a little while to get done because of a few reasons.  On Sunday I graduated from school.  And I have been thinking of what to talk about what happened after break.

When I got back from break, most students were glad to see me again.  I had realized I needed to rely on God, and He would provide for me.  I had asked one of my teachers before break had come if he would mentor me.  When I got back from break, I got a hold of him, and set up a time that we could meet.  We decided that every Tuesday we could, we would go out to Tim's and talk about devotions, and some things I was going through.  One of the pieces of advice he gave me was of how to save money after a payday.  He called it "70, 20,10".  70% goes towards paying off bills.  20% to save up for something big.  And of course, 10% for tithes.  We talked of different prayer requests, and he gave me verses from the Bible to encourage me about them.  We always prayed before we left each other, then we would try to meet up the next Tuesday.  Sometimes we could not meet, either because we were busy, or I was on a sick day.  Every time we met, it would be one of the best things that happened in my week.  He really encouraged me in the time we had together.  I know he is praying for me, and I really appreciate his prayers.  I am praying for him too, and cannot wait to see him again.  Thank you for reading.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 4

This post will have the worst trial I had this year.  This trial did not actually happen while I was at school, but during Christmas break.  I may have discussed this in different posts, but will go into some detail.  When I went home for Christmas break, I was expecting it to be fun and a great time to relax.  I realize now that I was in the wrong, thinking I needed to relax, and not do anything.  I refused to look for work, and when I finally started to, everything was slow, because it was so close to Christmas, all businesses weren't working as fast.  I was told that if I could not get the money for the next semester, than I could not go back.  I was also asked why I was even going there, since I didn't seem to be doing anything.  There was one night I ranted to my best friend who I mentioned in my previous post, and she told me she would be praying for me.  Hearing that from her was really encouraging.  I proceeded to try and find ways of getting money for the second semester, and looked at student loans first.  For a while, I thought I wouldn't be accepted for different reasons, so I was thinking I was not going to be coming back to NBBI.  I thought I'd be going back to NBBI only to pack my stuff up, and I'd be out of there.  Then one of my mother's co-workers told her of a student line of credit I could get from the bank.  I inquired at my bank, to see what it was all about.  I was then told that I was could get money from the bank to pay off all of my schooling for the year.  I was really excited, and started to get ready to go back for my second semester.  I got back for my second semester, and I was called into the business office, where they told me that I had been accepted for a student loan as well.  So all during this break, I had gotten the money I needed.  If you were to ask my friend how I was during that time, she'd tell you that I was really mad when I ranted to her.  But she has told me she saw a big growth in me that break.  I now thank God for the trial He put me through.  I had to really rely on Him, and He pulled me through.  I also learned from my life verse, which I have shared before, but will share again.  Psalm 37:23-24, The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
(to be continued).

Monday, April 23, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 3

About a year before I came to NBBI, a huge situation happened between myself and a good friend of mine.  Because of this situation, I did not talk to her for about a year.  It hurt a lot to think of what had taken place, and that I could not ask her for advice on things.  In September of the school year for NBBI, I knew she was going to be there in my class, and I hoped to get our friendship back again.  I started to talk to her the first day, and I knew it could take a while to get it where it used to be.  I began to talk to her everyday between classes, to try and get the conversations going again.  For a few months we talked a little bit, but not a real conversation.  We really started to talk about different things, and our friendship grew again at the beginning of October.  I really needed her sometimes in this year, because there have been a lot of hard times, and I've asked her for advice, and she has helped me to draw closer to God.  I wouldn't give up my friendship with her for anything.  Thank you God, for the great friendship we have.  Continue to grow it, and help us grow closer to you.

Come back tomorrow for the next glimpse at my first year of NBBI.

(to be continued).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 2

Part 2:
After the students arrived in September, in the guys dorm we formed different small groups to meet two days in a week together.  For the months we were able to meet, they were encouraging times for me.  I got to share what I needed prayers for, and became good friends to me.  Before I had arrived at NBBI, I knew of the music groups they have.  I wanted so bad to be in one of them, and all freshman had to audition, and wait to be told they were in for the next round.  I made it through the first round, and had to go through round two.  I really wanted to be in one of them, so when I wasn't chosen for one, I was really disappointed.  I then decided to try out for the drama team.  I auditioned the day I learned I wasn't on a music group.  I auditioned, and then was told that I wasn't on that either.  I learned to rely on God, and that it was His will I didn't make it on either thing.  I also started to go to the meetings for a trip to Texas for March break.  I talked to the teacher in charge about a week later, and was told that I was not going to go to Texas. He told me that this year I needed to grow in God, and I was already stuggling financially.  So I was a little more disappointed after this.  I also really wanted to go to an all-nighter in Moncton, because I wanted to help out.  I was also not able to go to this.  With all of this, I needed to rely on God, because I really felt disappointed by all of this.  Next post, I will continue with the next thing big that happened to me.

(to be continued).

Saturday, April 21, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 1

Many people thought I wouldn't make it to where I am right now.  Here I am now, 8 months of Bible school under my belt, and have defied people's opinions of me.  Many thought I would quit within three months.  For the next few posts, I will describe some days that have been good, and some that have been bad.
Sept 3rd, 2011.  Registration day for NBBI:
Woke up early this day to leave.  My best friend had slept over at my house the night previous, so he was there to see me off.  Didn't want to say see you later to such a good friend.  Arrived at NBBI about 2 o'clock, and started to talk to some people.  Saw some people I hadn't seen in a long time.  Also figured out that I could leave within 5 days, because I didn't have enough money to get the minimum payment done.  My first test of faith began the first day.  For the next week I wondered what was going to happen.  Finally, I got a call from my parents saying they would pay for the minimum payment.  God had provided for me, and it wouldn't be the last time.

(to be continued).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


These past few years have been a blast, but there have been many trials I have had to face. Some financial situations, grades, and personal trials have happened. What has helped me this year, is my prayer life, and realizing that I am the clay, and God is the potter, and he is shaping me while I am here to be like His Son. The most I have learned here is that I need to depend on him, or I will fall. There was a time in my life before I went to Bible school that things blew up in my life, and when I should have turned to God, I strayed far away, and fought with him about going to Bible School. I was stubborn towards Him, until I dug my heels in. At that point He kept turning the heat on in my life, until I gave up and said "Fine! I'll go!" I had to learn that fighting with God will never work, He will ALWAYS win. I have been growing so much here, and I don't want to go back to what I used to be. 1 Peter 5:10 - And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. This has helped me, as I know that whatever happens, God is in control, and he will establish me, and help me through it all.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Break, and lessons

I have learned a lot of lessons during my breaks this year. One is that I need to stay in God's Word, or I will slip along the way. I have learned that praying for the students I live with at NBBI while they are on breaks too, makes me want to get to know them better when we are together again. I've learned many times through my life verse, Psalm 37:23-24, "The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand," that I need to realize that God holds me in his hand, and he will not let me go, and he details in everything that happens in my life. During one break, there was a time that I struggled with whether I was going to return to the school or not. I had many of the students praying for me, and for my decisions. I then remembered that verse I had read in the summer, which I made my life verse. I know that the school I'm at is the prefect will of God for my life. I have made so many godly friends at this school, and would not trade them for anything. they have been such an encouragement, and they continue to be. I ask that you pray for the students of NBBI, and that we will finish this year well. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NBBI Teen Retreats, and my experience

Well, we just had Teen Retrets happen these past two weeks. What a blast! I have been to a lot of Teen Retreats, as a teen, and my first year as a student. I never realized until this year how much the students do during these weekends. Now I have a great respect for what they do. I remember how much the retreats changed me, especially one year when I rededicated my life to the Lord. This year, I thought I would not get challenged by the speakers, but I was wrong. Both weeks, I was moved by some of the sermons. I really enjoyed the SEM teams skits, they were so well done, they got me thinking about what happened when I gave my all to Christ. Both weeks I got to see people go to the front and rededicate their lives to the Lord. The second week, the last rally, we had a lot of teens go up front in dedication. I was almost in tears then. We sang "How Great Is Our God, and I almost lost it. The afterglows were a great testimony on what God had done to the teens during the weekend. The rallies are the focal point of the retreats, but what attracts the teens are the games, and the competitions. The losing your voice because you're chearing a lot, sometimes disgusting, but always fun games. The first week, the Blue team won, and the second week, the Green team won (GO GREEN!). All in all, both weeks were tiring, but, it was all worth it to see how many people's lives were changed. I ask that you pray for all those that made first-time decisions, or rededicated their lives.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Well, it's been a while since I updated. I've been busy with different homework assignments, and now we have Teen Retreats coming up this weekend. I'm going to be so busy, and tired, I'm gonna need 5 cups of coffee a day to stay awake. I'm praying that God has prepared hearts for some of these teens to come to saving faith in Him. Teen Retreat was one of the things that helped me decide I wanted to come to NBBI. The students were great hosts, especially since we were invading their homes for the weekend. I hope that you would pray with me too, that these teens are ready to come here, and that the students will be able to survive the weekend.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What I have learned in 5 months

There are a lot of things that I have learned in the past five months here at NBBI. One is that I will never know everything there is to know about God, or theology. I've learned that heaven is going to be like one giant Theology class, for all eternity. I've learned that there are some things that are argued about all the time. Some things I've tried to learn, but still can't wrap my head around because they hurt my head. I've had to learn the hard way how to rely on God, and that He will never leave me. I know that He will continue to lead me in the way He wants. Psalm 37:23-24: The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I am starting a blog.

The reason I am starting this is because I want to show others how a Bible student acts, either good or bad. I also want to share my lessons from my daily devos that I have every morning. I feel that this is something that God wants me to do. No, this is not a mandatory assignment by a teacher. Depending on what I'm doing I might put a little joke at the beginning. Follow me for updates!