Friday, August 17, 2012

Leaving it all to God

OK, I'm going to be straight with you.  I had to move out of my house almost a month ago.  I wasn't getting enough working hours in my parent's minds (40 hrs/wk).  So I had no choice but to find a place to live and move out.  It's been taking a lot of getting used to.  I now have rent to pay, groceries to buy, and all on a salary from a part-time job.
For a while, I was angry, and I kept it inside of me, and became what I didn't want to be again... A jerk.  I didn't want to listen to people, and everything was going wrong.. I didn't know which way was up.  Finally, I listened to people's intsructions, and got into the Scriptures.  The first verse I found was Isaiah 42:18, "Oh, how deaf and blind you are toward me! Why won't you listen? Why do refuse to see?"  After seeing that verse, I paraphrased it as God saying to me "SHUT UP AND LISTEN!".  Cuz see, I wasn't really listening to Him either.  I never seem to learn about that... I like to think I'm living my life the way God wants me to.  Most of the time I'm not..
So I began to listen to God, instead of me griping and complaining all the time.  Things are OK, not good, but not bad either.  I don't know yet where God wants me, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve His goals.  ALL of them.  As long as He is in control of my life, I can do all things through HIM!


Go check out this blog post.  Wow.  All I can say...