Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 5

This post has taken a little while to get done because of a few reasons.  On Sunday I graduated from school.  And I have been thinking of what to talk about what happened after break.

When I got back from break, most students were glad to see me again.  I had realized I needed to rely on God, and He would provide for me.  I had asked one of my teachers before break had come if he would mentor me.  When I got back from break, I got a hold of him, and set up a time that we could meet.  We decided that every Tuesday we could, we would go out to Tim's and talk about devotions, and some things I was going through.  One of the pieces of advice he gave me was of how to save money after a payday.  He called it "70, 20,10".  70% goes towards paying off bills.  20% to save up for something big.  And of course, 10% for tithes.  We talked of different prayer requests, and he gave me verses from the Bible to encourage me about them.  We always prayed before we left each other, then we would try to meet up the next Tuesday.  Sometimes we could not meet, either because we were busy, or I was on a sick day.  Every time we met, it would be one of the best things that happened in my week.  He really encouraged me in the time we had together.  I know he is praying for me, and I really appreciate his prayers.  I am praying for him too, and cannot wait to see him again.  Thank you for reading.

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