Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weeks after Graduation

It has only been since April 29th that I have graduated my first year of Bible School.  When I got back home, I had to decide on what I was going to do.  Was I going to go to camp, or was I going to find work at home.  I tried to get into one camp in the US, and have not heard anything.  So I started to look for work, looking online, and calling in my temporary services employers.  Apparently the business there is really slow right now. It's been that way for a while too.  So I called in on Friday asking if there was any jobs available for the weekend.  They said there was none.  So I waited and kept looking for work.  About 10 mins before all three close, I get a call from one of them.  An employer had called in last minute looking for someone to help them.  I asked what time it was at, and it was for 6 in the morning.  I took the job, and prepared to get ready.  I went to see some friends that night, and when I was done I went to bed early.  My alarm went off at 5:00, and I hit the snooze button for 10 mins, then got up.  I went to work, and I worked from 6-12 that day, doing dishes.  On Monday I was told I had a job for this morning, and was thankful.  And then I got another call at about the same time as last, about 4:30.  This was for a job loading trailers for last night.  I took it, and worked from 8-12.  I then had to get up at 8:20 today, to go to work for 9:00.  I planned to come home and nap, and rest my body, because I was feeling sore.  I then was told someone needed help moving some things, and I was doing good for the first half.  By the second half, I had to sit down, because I couldn't do it anymore.  But I am grateful for the jobs God has supplied me with.  I hope to get more by the end of the summer.  Again, thank you for reading, and until next time, God bless.

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