So I just saw this challenge from Blimey Cow. Take a picture every day in the month of June, just like the Instagram challenge or something. Anyways, I hope I can do it, because my camera doesn't have a memory card yet. You can find the challenge here:
So you may be wondering. Who or what is Blimey Cow? I didn't hear about them until about two months ago. They make videos every Monday, and one video in particular went viral. That one was the Seven Lies About Homeschoolers, found here: . Every video I've seen is funny, and then they added bloopers to the more recent videos. To really get the challenge, I'd suggest watching other newer videos they have made. The best one I think they did was the top 10 internet cliches, which they did a few weeks ago, which is where a lot of the things on the challenge come from.
Oh, and one more video for you compliments of Blimey Cow!
You needa update