Thursday, April 26, 2012

NBBI year at a glance Part 4

This post will have the worst trial I had this year.  This trial did not actually happen while I was at school, but during Christmas break.  I may have discussed this in different posts, but will go into some detail.  When I went home for Christmas break, I was expecting it to be fun and a great time to relax.  I realize now that I was in the wrong, thinking I needed to relax, and not do anything.  I refused to look for work, and when I finally started to, everything was slow, because it was so close to Christmas, all businesses weren't working as fast.  I was told that if I could not get the money for the next semester, than I could not go back.  I was also asked why I was even going there, since I didn't seem to be doing anything.  There was one night I ranted to my best friend who I mentioned in my previous post, and she told me she would be praying for me.  Hearing that from her was really encouraging.  I proceeded to try and find ways of getting money for the second semester, and looked at student loans first.  For a while, I thought I wouldn't be accepted for different reasons, so I was thinking I was not going to be coming back to NBBI.  I thought I'd be going back to NBBI only to pack my stuff up, and I'd be out of there.  Then one of my mother's co-workers told her of a student line of credit I could get from the bank.  I inquired at my bank, to see what it was all about.  I was then told that I was could get money from the bank to pay off all of my schooling for the year.  I was really excited, and started to get ready to go back for my second semester.  I got back for my second semester, and I was called into the business office, where they told me that I had been accepted for a student loan as well.  So all during this break, I had gotten the money I needed.  If you were to ask my friend how I was during that time, she'd tell you that I was really mad when I ranted to her.  But she has told me she saw a big growth in me that break.  I now thank God for the trial He put me through.  I had to really rely on Him, and He pulled me through.  I also learned from my life verse, which I have shared before, but will share again.  Psalm 37:23-24, The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
(to be continued).

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