Sunday, March 11, 2012

Break, and lessons

I have learned a lot of lessons during my breaks this year. One is that I need to stay in God's Word, or I will slip along the way. I have learned that praying for the students I live with at NBBI while they are on breaks too, makes me want to get to know them better when we are together again. I've learned many times through my life verse, Psalm 37:23-24, "The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand," that I need to realize that God holds me in his hand, and he will not let me go, and he details in everything that happens in my life. During one break, there was a time that I struggled with whether I was going to return to the school or not. I had many of the students praying for me, and for my decisions. I then remembered that verse I had read in the summer, which I made my life verse. I know that the school I'm at is the prefect will of God for my life. I have made so many godly friends at this school, and would not trade them for anything. they have been such an encouragement, and they continue to be. I ask that you pray for the students of NBBI, and that we will finish this year well. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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