Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NBBI Teen Retreats, and my experience

Well, we just had Teen Retrets happen these past two weeks. What a blast! I have been to a lot of Teen Retreats, as a teen, and my first year as a student. I never realized until this year how much the students do during these weekends. Now I have a great respect for what they do. I remember how much the retreats changed me, especially one year when I rededicated my life to the Lord. This year, I thought I would not get challenged by the speakers, but I was wrong. Both weeks, I was moved by some of the sermons. I really enjoyed the SEM teams skits, they were so well done, they got me thinking about what happened when I gave my all to Christ. Both weeks I got to see people go to the front and rededicate their lives to the Lord. The second week, the last rally, we had a lot of teens go up front in dedication. I was almost in tears then. We sang "How Great Is Our God, and I almost lost it. The afterglows were a great testimony on what God had done to the teens during the weekend. The rallies are the focal point of the retreats, but what attracts the teens are the games, and the competitions. The losing your voice because you're chearing a lot, sometimes disgusting, but always fun games. The first week, the Blue team won, and the second week, the Green team won (GO GREEN!). All in all, both weeks were tiring, but, it was all worth it to see how many people's lives were changed. I ask that you pray for all those that made first-time decisions, or rededicated their lives.

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